Professional AutoResponder Systems 5 Separate Accounts * Fully Customizable Messages Ad Tracking System * HTML and Plain Text Unlimited Broadcast Email Ability * Can Spam Compliant Personalized Service & Support ONE LOW Price & NO Hidden Fees! When you first began your career as an Internet marketer,receiving emails and inquiries from prospective clients wasexhilarating. You answered each one with care and enthusiasm. But when your business started to grow, the onslaught of emailsbecame overwhelming. You needed to answer them, but you just didn'thave the time among all your myriad of other responsibilities. Evenworse, you started to fail at consistently following up with them over time.
What YOU NEED is an easy-to-use, automated method, andautoresponders are the answer. Not only will our Email Campaign Manager ANSWERREPETITIVE EMAIL INQUIRIES and HANDLE FOLLOW-UP, but it alsoprovides many extra services to KEEP YOUR BUSINESS RUNNING SMOOTHLY. The key to becoming a successful online marketer comes with getting the prospect the information they want, FAST, and more importantly, in YOUR Follow-up! The biggest downfall for many marketers is that they don't follow-up consistently or long-term. (It's been proven that your message needs to be SEEN 7 Times!) They end up getting focused on other things they are doing and forgetting about prospects that are taking too long to do anything. By automating your follow-up system, you have in a sense, hired an Assistant. Long Term Follow-up will increase your income. And with autoresponders, no one will be forgotten. Unfortunately, we all seem to be in a hurry, or give up too soon. Do you remember the story about the guy who had a Gold Mine and quit digging only inches from the Gold? Well, NOT following up consistently and indefinitely, if necessary, is the same thing! Autoresponders make our jobs as marketers Much Easier, because once the prospect is in the loop they stay there, getting consistent messages, specials, etc. from you, until they remove themselves. If you REALLY WANT ONLINE SUCCESS, Then Follow up is Essential! Ask anyone who is doing well financially how follow up played in their wealth factor, and I am sure they will clearly state: The Fortune is in the Follow up! TIP: Set up an autoresponder series of letters that gets your prospect talking with you, and going to your website. Autoresponders allow you to follow up for unlimited intervals over the long-term, YOU build trust, and then, Follow Up after they become a Customer. It is imperative to your long-term success on the Net. Did You Know? It is estimated that there are over 1,407,724,920 computer users worldwide (as of 3/2008). There are millions of websites and email addresses created every month. Small business development is increasing exponentially and everyone has a product or service to sell. How can You compete? With the "" automated email management system, you can put your message in front of more people than you could by handling it manually. Look at what a few of our customers have to say: "I have been using EZnetGroup for over 4 years now. Notonly are the features of the system fabulous, intuitive andeasy to use, your support has been prompt, immediate andpersonal. Thanks so much!"
Skip Pratt, "I am writing to you to let you know how pleased I amwith your service. When I say service, I mean service! Thereare many, many autoresponder companies out there. I know, Ireviewed a bunch of them before settling on you for ourprofessional needs. Before selecting your company I had concerns about what kindof service I would get. You and your staff have answered myquestions with personal responses in a super fast manner.Even if I send something late Saturday night, I get aresponse on Sunday. Fantastic! The professional version of your service has helped mycompany get more than 8,000 qualified sales leads! And it isstill going strong. The only regret I have about yourservice is that I did not start to use it sooner. "
- Allen Weber, Founder Diabetic Alternatives Are You an Entreprenuer needing to Simplify Your Business?We have a truly Advanced Email Manager and Autoresponder system.. It was specifically designed with You - the Internet Marketer - in mind. So IF you are serious about marketing and building a Long-term online business, then our system is Your Best Choice! Here's Why...It gives your prospects/customers Instant Gratification, and allows You to build a Solid Opt-in Database! And That is ESSENTIAL to Your Online Success. You can literally follow up Forever if you want. And when they are Ready, You are there.
No Ads in Your Messages when you use our Professional Accounts! Why confuse the prospect about why You are emailing them? Ads that come with your message ARE confusing!
You Choose how many Accounts you need and get the same price or MUCH LESS what most other services are charging for ONE! If you are serious about doing business online then you NEED at least 3 long-term follow-up series!
One to get them to your website or reminding them to go back, One to offer a Free Report, this works great in classified ads, One for after they buy - to create backend sales.
What is the MOST important thing you can do to succeed? FOLLOW-UP! What is the one thing most business owners fail to do consistently? FOLLOW-UP! Don't drop the ball ever again! Automation is your friend.
Send UNLimited Scheduled AND Customized Messages on Each Professional Account. Many experts talk about 3 - 10 messages before a prospect will look at you seriously. Those of us that have been successfully marketing on the Net for any length of time KNOW that it could easily take much longer! You want to keep contacting them until they ask you to stop, and not one second sooner! Sequential Autoresponders ARE the Answer!
UNLimited Broadcast Email WITH Split Mailing so you can test your messages! Send them updates, news, & special offerings. This is beyond the scheduled and sequential autoresponder messages you can setup. You could even send eCards to your list according to the Custom Questions, and Demographics they filled out on your Web form! Show them you care and they will do business with you when the timing is right for them! But you have to be in their email box when that time comes!
Set up Web Page Forms, Demographic Questions, Custom Personalizations and more! Collect any Custom Information from your prospects, like their phone number, address, age, where they found you, anything you want to ask, Then easily personalize your messages with the information! Goes Way beyond just getting their name and email. This makes your Email Campaign the Ultimate in Email Follow-up! Make sure to check it out with our Sample Form.
Easy to use Email Campaign and Account Manager. This area was set up with the Beginner in mind but is Powerful enough for the Advanced user. This is Click and Go technology at its Best! Complete Video Tutorials. And you get fast, personal help from us if you need it.
Manually Add or Delete Prospects to Your Autoresponder. Did you talk to someone who gave you their email address and wanted the info? No Problem, just go into your Management Panel and add them to the appropriate responder! Did someone email you personally to be removed? That's okay, you can delete them in the Management Panel.
Complete Reporting System Our Quick Stats give you an immediate view on your Subscribers: Total, Pending, Deleted, New Today, this Week, this Month and this Year.
Fully Track Which Advertisments are Working and which are Not with Our Ad Tracker! you'll be able to keep track of click throughs, advertising cost, and sales for a product. Save Yourself Time and Money by knowing what is working, and what isn't.
A Database Search Utility. Want to find a specific person? Use the Search utility. Search by email address, First Name or Last Name.
NO Hidden Costs Unlike many of the services available, (who fail to mention all the hidden costs until after you are a customer) We Never Charge for anything other than what you are told about right here! No Surprises 6 months down the road.
View Your Entire List with a Click! See how many subscribers you have, how many unsubscribe and any other information they have given you via a web form. It's a simple click to get and edit the subscriber data
Back-up Your AR List so You Never have to worry about losing your database. You can go in as often as you want and backup the list to your hard drive. A single Click to save a .txt file. We also regularly back-up the database, as does our server.
Import Your Database from Your Hard Drive with a couple of quick clicks! Have an opt-in list you want to add to this system. EASY to do and with us the size doesn't matter! I recently imported a list of Over 26,000 and it took a total of 5 minutes! Use our Form or Bring your .CSV or.txt file. We are all about Options for You! Need to start a prospect on a different message aside from #1? The Import Tool is the place to be.
Create HTML eMail Messages by selecting the HTML mode rather than Plain text! Create a Very Professional Look and add INSTANT Credibility with your database. You are also able to add simple html to what is usually a plain text email, just save as html, but get higher delivery since it's mostly plain text. We give you an HTML Learning eBook and Templates you can easily use, OR Create Your own! Go to the Top of the Page and test this Awesome looking email system! Gives you a Big Business Look with Little effort!
Ban Domains like other Autoresponder services so they Can't opt-in to your list and create a LOOP. Now you can Stop the Spam, Before it starts.
Once Your Messages are Set up and Saved, You can send the whole Series to Yourself to make sure they are Formatted Properly. We HIGHLY recommend that you do this.
Email Your List Members Individually based on certain criteria from questions they answered on your form. Just want to send your *Special* to people have been on the net under 1 year? You can if you asked them that type of question on your web form!
Allows Respondents to Automatically Opt-in and Out from Your List by simply clicking on an email link.
Reminder Service Allows You to Set up Unlimited email Reminders to Yourself! Have an appointment you don't want to forget? Send yourself an email reminder, Select the Date, the Subject and add the reminder. You'll never miss another Important Day again! The EZNet Autoresponder and Campaign Manager Really Delivers! Why Our Services Are Different We know you have probably seen other services out there and are wondering what difference does it really make.. BUT, We believe that most of these services cannot offer the kind of:
- Value -
Multiple Accounts for ONE Low Price and Filled with Professional Features and Absolutely NO Hidden Fees - EVER;- Security - Your Database is Totally Protected; The server is backed-up daily, we do a separate back-up several times weekly, and you can back-up as often as you like!
- Speed - Make sure to test our system! It is Incredibly FAST! No sooner do you request the information and it's received!
- Reliability - Our Servers are Top of the Line with Little to No Downtime;
- Can Spam Compliant - At your fingertips you have: Date the Lead was Put Into System, their Confirmation Date, a Confirmation Token, and the Leads Confirmation IP.
- plusTech Support - We are Proud to Offer Unlimited Personal Support. Quick Response Time Via Email, and Telephone (see Contact Page);
Plus as we add new features we will notify our customers immediately so you can get instant access. We want to make our service Your most Powerful and Practical Marketing Partner. Test Our Plain Text System
Instant Gratification Allow your prospects to instantly receive the information they want by simply clicking on an Email link or filling out your web form. Then Automatically follow-up with them as many times as necessary. You can setup up to 5 email campaigns, track your ads, create custom questions and answers, even have a Customized response to their answers in your messages. Make Special announcements using the email Broadcast system and much more. Using these tools are Essential to Your Online Success so why not use a PowerHouse System? We are here to serve you. If you have any specific questions you would like to ask us, you can Contact us Here We will promptly get back to you! 100% NO Risk, NO Hassle, Money-back Guarantee! We are so sure that you will be thrilled with this Superior Tool, that we are willing to give you back every cent within 30 days of purchase. We know that our system is on the Cutting-edge of email management, so Feature Rich, that we will Unconditionally give you back 100% of your money if you don't agree anytime within your 1st 30 days. AND you keep All the Free Bonuses just for giving us a fair shot! That's over $100 worth of FREE gifts.
Free Bonuses if You join us by Midnight: 1. AutoResponder Magic- by Yanik Silver - This eBook is said to be the Ultimate Collection of Winning Autoresponder letters. Full Resale Rights allowing you to sell the book and Keep 100% of the Profits! Valued at: $17.00
2. Email Marketing Solutions - by Terry Dean - Filled with Insider Secrets to Email Marketing. How to increase your traffic, generate leads and make more sales online. Value at: $24.95
3. Selling on the Web - A Great eBook about Internet-based Marketing. Winning Strategies put together by several Net-Pro's. Everything from the Basics to Profit. Value $24.95
4. Email, Your Bridge to the Virtual Marketplace - by Kieran Gillett - Filled with need to know info. A full overview of email termonology, and using it in professional styled communication. $15.00
5. The Complete HTML Teacher - by K. Williams - Filled easy to follow instructions on HTML, WYSIWYG editors and More! Value $11.95
6. HTML Templates - Easy to Plug in and use for a Professional Look! Value $19.95 That's over $110.00 worth of FREE Gifts! Yours to keep, No matter what!We offer several services to fit any budget! Choose the one that suits you best. Payment of Services is through PayPal. All payments set up on Auto Pay. Simply click the Pay Button Next to the Service you want.  For a LIMITED time we are offering You a Special Price of ONLY $99.97 for 2 Full Years of Service. You get Four ( 4 ) Professional accounts! That breaks down to only $4.16 a month for Four complete accounts - OR - $1.04 each!. Where can you beat that? Full amount due upon signing up. |

EntrePRO Account; Offers you 3 years of service. 5 Professional Level Accounts. ONLY $197.95. That's $5.50 monthly - OR - $1.10 per account per month! What a Savings! Full amount due upon signing up. EZPro Account; Offers you a Full Year of service for one low price of $98.99. That's only $8.24 per month and You get 5 Professional Level Accounts. WoW! Only $1.65 per account figured on a monthly basis! AdvancePro Account; Offers you 6 months of service at only $74.49. That's only $12.41 per month and You receive 5 Full Professional Accounts. Ridiculously Low at only $2.48 each (per account) monthly.MorePro Account; Offers you traditional Monthly service for only $15.97. You receive 5 Full Professional Level Accounts. These prices are a Steal! Think about it, that breaks down to ONLY $3.19 per account each month!SuperBudget Account; Offers you traditional Monthly service for only $9.97. You receive 2 Full Professional Level Accounts. YIKES, Only $4.98 each! (HTML service Not Available)Compared to other services, our features and prices are a Steal!The Beginner Account; This is our Free Service. For Full Details Click Here We WANT to be Your Service of Choice! That's why we created a system we wanted to use with all the features we needed. You won't find a Friendlier Staff that is quick to respond and full of ideas to help YOU! Get Started NOW with the Best Choice!That is, if your Autoresponder System is with EZNetGroup.NET
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